APR Council Meeting Agenda and Paper

WONCA Asia Pacific Regional Council Meeting 2019
Date: Wednesday, 15th May 2019
Time: 13:00 to start the meeting
Venue:Room B-1, 2F Kyoto International Conference Center, Kyoto, Japan
Lunch will be providedat the meeting room from 12:00-13:30
1. Call to order
2. Welcome Remarks
To welcome observers from Timor Leste, the Cross-strait Medicine Exchange Association Committee of International and Premium Medicine (an Associate Member of WONCA ) and Chinese Medical Doctor Association General Practitioners Sub-association (a Full member of WONCA). And also to congratulate Dr. Fitriana Fitriana for winning the Montegut Scholarship supported by the American Board of Family Medicine and their representative Dr. Wendy Biggs.
3. Approval of agenda
4. Ratification of council member for voting
5. Approval of minutes
5.1 APR Council Meeting minutes from Incheon, Korea.
Already circulated to MOs and confirmed before April, 2019
5.2 Matters arising from the minutes
6. Reports from Regional President (Prof. Meng-Chih Lee)
7. Hon Treasurer's report (Prof. Mohammad Husni Jamal)
8. Invitation to non MO countries
Laos, Cambodia, Brunei, Timor Leste, North Korea, Papua New Guinea,Cook Islands, DPRK, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Palau, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu
9. Committee and Working Party Reports
9.1 Nominating and Awarding Committee (Prof. JungKwonLee)
9.2 Bylaw Committee (Dr. Brian Chang)
9.3 The Rajakumar movement 2017-2018 (Dr. Erfen G. Suwangto)
9.4 Asia Pacific Family Medicine Journal (APFMJ) (Prof. Yousuke Takemura)
9.4.1 APFMJ_ANNEX 1 APFM reform
9.4.2 APFMJ_ANNEX 2 Papers evaluated for 2017-2018(evaluation sheet)
9.4.3 APFMJ_ANNEX 3 Publisher of the Asia Pacific Family Medicine journal (UGM)
9.4.4 APFMJ_ANNEX 4 Board Members (Assistant Editors) list
9.5 WONCA APR Working Party on Research (Prof. RyukiKassai)
10. Lyn Clearihan Award -- Report by Editorial Board (Prof. Yousuke Takemura)
Winner team: Mora Claramita et. al
Winning paper: Preparatory graduate professional training in general practice by using the 'experiential learning' framework. Asia Pacific Family Medicine 2018 17:4
Date: May 16, 2019
Time: 13:45-14:00
Room: Main Hall, Kyoto interventional conference center
11. REPORTS (new friends in red color)
11.1 Member organization Reports
11.1.1 Australia
11.1.2 China (Chinese Society of General Practice)
11.1.3 China(Cross-Straits Medicine Exchange Association Commission of General Practice)
11.1.4 China(Chinese Medical Doctor Association General Practitioners Sub-association)
11.1.5 Fiji
11.1.6 Hong Kong
11.1.7 Indonesia (Indonesian Association of Family Physicians)
11.1.8 Indonesia (College and Association of Indonesian Primary Care Physicians)
11.1.9 Japan
11.1.10 Korea (South)
11.1.11 Macau
11.1.12 Malaysia
11.1.13 Mongolia
11.1.14 Myanmar
11.1.15 New Zealand
11.1.16 Philippines
11.1.17 Singapore
11.1.18 Taiwan
11.1.19 Thailand
11.1.20 Vietnam
11.2 Associate members
11.2.1 Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM)
11.2.2 Foundation of Family Medicine Educators, Inc.
11.2.3 Cross-Straits Medicine Exchange Association, Committee of International and Premium Medicine
12. Governance Issues
12.1.The draft budget for TRM 2019-2020 for the council to approve (reported by Dr.Erfen G Suwangto)
12.1.1 Proposal on modification of TRM budget
12.1.2 TRM Annual Report and Budget Proposal 2019
12.1.3 TRM global project
12.2 Approval of TRM guidelines (reported by Dr. Brian Chang and Erfen Suwangto)
12.3 APR 5-star doctor for approval by the councils
12.4 Discuss the budget proposal for the Asia Pacific Family Medicine Journal (reported Prof. Yousuke Takemura and the editorial board members)
12.5 Discuss how to respond to Vietnam as a MO but no payment and loss of communication for 6 years.
13. Other Bussiness
14. Elections (President MC to host this session)
Candidates to present for 3 mins then vote
15. WONCA Meetings and Conferences:
15.2 WONCA APR 2020 New Zealand
15.3 WONCA APR 2021 Myanmar
15.4 WONCA APR 2022 Australia
Each 5 mins to report
16. WONCA APR Regional Conference Bids for 2023(announcement)
- Singapore, presented by Singapore College of Family Physicians
Each MO to present for 10 mins then vote
17. Date for next meeting
18. Closing remarks
Prepared by: Dr.Brian Chang, Hon. ,SecretaryWONCA APR
1. Call to order
2. Welcome remarks
1. Call to order
2. Welcome remarks
1. Call to order
2. Welcome remarks