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President 2018-21

Dr Donald K T Li (Hong Kong, China)

Dr Donald Li [MBBS FHKCFP FRACGP FHKAM (Fam Med) FFPH SBS O St J JP] is a specialist in Family Medicine, in private practice, and proprietor of a Family Medical Practice, in Hong Kong. He was elected as President Elect of WONCA in November 2016 and took office as President in November 2018.  He was President of the WONCA Asia Pacific Region from 2007 to 2013 and a member at large of the WONCA World Executive from 2013 to 2016.

Dr Li graduated with his first degree (BA) from Cornell University, USA, followed by his second degree (MBBS) from the University of Hong Kong, in 1975 and 1980, respectively. He is an Honorary Fellow of the Hong Kong College of Family Physicians (HKCFP), Honorary Fellow of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, Honorary Fellow of the Hong Kong College of Dental Surgeons, Fellow of the Faculty of Public Health of the Royal College of Physicians, Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine and Honorary Fellow of the American College of Physicians and Royal Thai College of Physicians.

Dr Li is actively involved in medical organizations and councils in Hong Kong. He is the President of the Academy of Medicine of Hong Kong and Censor of the HKCFP. He is an active member and advisor of many Hong Kong governmental and public health bodies. Throughout his career, he has been a leading expert and ardent advocate in promoting better primary care and family health, in Hong Kong in China and internationally. He is actively involved in the healthcare reform in Hong Kong and is a member of the Working Party on Primary Care, of the Food and Health Bureau as well as the Manpower planning committee. He is advisor to the Society of General Practice of the Chinese Medical Association and has done a lot of work in promoting quality primary care in China through the training of Family Doctors.

He also dedicates much of his professional time to academia and teaching. Dr Li is an Honorary Professor in the Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong; and Honorary Adjunct Associate Professor in Family Medicine, as well as Public Health, at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He is Honorary visiting Professor at the Fudan University in Shanghai. Dr Li was a member of the Board of Directors of the Hospital Authority, is a member of the St John’s Ambulance council, and a member of the Council on Smoking and Health (COSH). Dr Li has been an invited speaker at numerous local, and international scientific meetings and has been visiting lecturer to many different areas in mainland China.

Dr Li is active in community work and is an Honorary member of the Board of Stewards of the Hong Kong Jockey Club, a philanthropic organization, with significant donations to support community projects in Hong Kong. Dr Li serves as Chairman of the Bauhinia Foundation Research Center, a leading independent think tank of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Dr Li is Chairman of the Sheng Kung Hui Welfare council, one of the biggest church lead social service organizations in Hong Kong and China. He is also a member of the Community Care Fund of the Hong Kong Government to alleviate poverty in Hong Kong.

> see featured doctor profile

President 2018-21


李国栋医生 [MBBS FHKCFP FRACGP FHKAM (Fam Med) FFPH SBS OStJ JP] 是私人执业家庭医学专科医生。他于2007至2013年WONCA任世界家庭医生组织亚太区主席,并在2013年六月当选为WONCA 世界行政会常务委员及WONCA 名誉司库。


李医生积极参与香港多个医学组织和协会。李医生現時是香港医学专科学院主席,及香港家庭医学学院学院审核员。他亦参与多项本港政府及公共医疗组织为成员及顾问。他一直在香港, 中国及国际间致力主导和热心倡导基层医疗和家庭医学。李医生积极地参与在香港有关医療系统并出任组织成员, 组织包括基层医疗工作小组、食物及卫生局、医护人力规划和专业发展策略督导委员会等等。李医生是中华医学会全科医学分会顾问, 他亦在中国参加多项推动优质基层医疗反和培训家庭医生的工作。

李医生同时积极投入在学术界和教学方面。他是香港大学医学院荣誉教授、香港中文大学家庭医学及公共卫生兼任助理教授、上海华山医院荣誉顾问、上海复旦大学医学院顾问教授。他曾是医院管理局成员; 现时是香港圣约翰救伤会董事会成员及香港吸烟健康委员会成员。李医生是家庭医学的专家,多年来获邀出席本地、区域和国际多个医学会议,并在获邀多个中国地区作出演讲。

李医生同时参与社会不同阶层的机构,包括是香港赛马会荣誉董事,香港赛马会在香港社区方面作出重大的慈善贡献。李医生亦是智经研究中心主席, 该中心是一所香港独立的民间智库,很多政策研究被香港政府接纳采用。李医生是香港圣公会福利协会主席,是香港其中一个在香港和中国大规模的教会福利组织。他亦是关爱基金督导委员会成员之一,关爱基金是香港政府扶贫委员会辖下的工作小组。