WONCA Special Interest Group: Emerging Practice Models for Family Medicine

Emerging Practice Models for Family Medicine

WONCA Executive Committee approved a Special Interest Group on Emerging Practice Models of Family Medicine during the meeting in November 2019.

Everyone deserves and desires high quality personalised health care. There are new strategies and emerging practice models of Family Medicine some of which are called Premium or Concierge or Special needs medical services. Commercial organised practices are emerging Globally have been targeting the well off who have special needs, but we feel that this may be a useful construct for everyone. It may usually be the more entrepreneurial who are most interested in developing a premium service practice or engaging in medical contracts such as Concierge medicine; but these financial arrangements can be associated with good incentives for quality care. There are controversies as provision of care for a relatively small population and the link to financial incentives may pose ethical and moral hazards. Some may view this practice as not equitable or as distracting from Universal Health Coverage.

Find out more about Why we need a SIG on Emerging Practice Models of Family Medicine

General membership is open to interested family doctors. For more information email convenor

Convenor / Chair

Convenor: Dr Donald Li, (Hong Kong, China)

email convenor

Dr Donald Li [MBBS FHKCFP FRACGP FHKAM (Fam Med) FFPH SBS O St J JP] is a specialist in Family Medicine, in private practice, and proprietor of a Family Medical Practice, in Hong Kong. He was elected as President Elect of WONCA in November 2016 and took office as President in November 2018. He was President of the WONCA Asia Pacific Region from 2007 to 2013 and a member at large of the WONCA World Executive from 2013 to 2016.see full bio

李国栋医生 [MBBS FHKCFP FRACGP FHKAM (Fam Med) FFPH SBS OStJ JP] 是私人执业家庭医学专科医生。他于2007至2013年WONCA任世界家庭医生组织亚太区主席,并在2013年六月当选为WONCA 世界行政会常务委员及WONCA 名誉司库。

Co-Convenor or other office bearers

Executive Members

  • Prof Rich Roberts (USA)
  • Dr Wendy Gu (Shanghai, China)
  • Prof Mehmet Ungan (Turkey)
  • Dr Raman Kumar (India)
  • Dr Ling Qiu (Shanghai, China)
  • Prof Amanda Howe (UK)
  • Dr Alan Ping Foo Wong (Malaysia)

Membership Open?

Vision and Mission of WONCA SIG on Emerging Practice Models for Family Medicine


a) Ensure strong, diverse member engagement with representation from all WONCA regions which Premium Family Medicine and Concierge Medicine is being practised.

b) Organise Premium medicine / Concierge Medicine sessions/workshops at WONCA conferences with discussion on practice models, standards of care, ethical issues, produce guidelines , discuss equity issues and share experience.

c) Collaborate with WONCA members to develop guidelines/approaches relating to Premium Family Medicine and Concierge Medicine based on community need, market situations which are adaptable based on local resources available.

d) Design and produce courses in Premium Family Medicine and Concierge Medicine and assess , accredit existing courses (already in China for example) that train family doctors to upgrade their care for patients through premium and concierge services.

e) Liaise with other WONCA working parties and SIGs to collaborate on overlapping principles such as quality and Safety and Educational training.

f) Investigate and collaborate on adoption of new technologies to aid in quality care delivery in Emerging Practice Models of Family Medicine. e.g. Digital Health, point of care testing and care such as ultrasound to optimise patient care and augment diagnostic abilities of general practitioners.

g) Assist WONCA in policy and advocacy activities as Emerging Practice Models of Family Medicine may relate to quality Care and care associated with financial arrangements. Advocate for quality family medical services which can command fair reimbursement and are equitable and accessible.

h) Study different primary care healthcare financing models / influence behaviour of Insurance companies

i) Determine which organizational structures, services, tools, and methods of payment are most valued by patients and physicians, and how those that are most valuable might be applied to all populations.

Objectives of the WONCA SIG on Emerging Practice Models for Family Medicine

Publications & Documents


Plans of SIG on Emerging Practice Models for Family Medicine

1. Organise workshop in WONCA World Conference in Abdu Dhabi. Huashan Hospital and Jiahui Health in Shanghai has constructed a higher training family medicine course for Family Doctors named “Huashan / Jiahui Family Medicine Enhancement Fellowship training Program ” (HS JH FMEFP) which will commence Jan 2020. This course will undergo assessment by the WONCA WP on  Education, for accreditation in March 2020. Dr Gu and Dr Qiu can start discussion with an introduction of the core elements and objectives of the course. They can also lead discussions on premium medical services in China followed by presentation by Prof Roberts or Michael Coffey of US on the emergence of Concierge Medicine in the USA. We can then have a panel discussion with contribution form Prof Mehmet Ungan, Turkey and Dr Raman Kumar, India.

2. discussions on emerging practice models around the world and start taking stock and create a glossary.

3. comment on the HS JH FMEFP when the organisers share it with us.

4. take note of comments of the WONCA WP on Education when they do accreditation.

Collaboration with established WONCA Working Parties (WPs) and Special Interest Groups (SIGs)

Link up with WP on Education and WP on Quality and Safety to set up accreditation systems. This will be a good business model for WONCA. As more and more practice models, premium medical services and Concierge medicine plans emerge globally, there will be huge demand for accreditation.

Link up with WP on eHealth: the role of Digital Health, IT, AI will enable efficient premium services with assured quality.


Relevant Resources