WHO publications of relevance

The following are a selection of publications from the WHO of particular relevance to Primary Care. 

Training of the Physician for Family Practice. Eleventh Report of the Expert Committee on Professional and Technical Education of Medical and Auxiliary Personnel. WHO Technical Report Series. No. 257 (1963)

Declaration of Alma Ata. International Conference on Primary Health Care. WHO (1978)

Making Medical Practice and Education More Relevant for People's Needs: The Contribution of the Family Doctor. A working paper of the WHO & WONCA. (1994)

Reorientation of Medical Education and Medical Practice for Health for All. Forty-eighth World Health Assembly. WHO (1995)

• Draft Chapter for General Practice/Family Medicine in Europe, Report on a WHO meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark, February 6-7 1998. WHO Regional office for Europe. (1998)

• International Classification of Primary Care - 2
. WONCA (1998)

• Family Medicine: Report of a Regional Scientific Working Group Meeting on Core Curriculum. Colombo, Sri Lanka, June 9-13  2003. WHO Regional Office South East Asia. (2003)

What are the advantages and disadvantages of restructuring a health care system to be more focused on primary care services? WHO Regional Office for Europe’s Health Evidence Network (HEN) (2004)

Primary Care in the Driver's Seat? Organizational Reform in European Primary Care. European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies Series (2006)

Renewing Primary Health Care in the Americas. A Position Paper of the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization. PAHO/WHO (2007)

World Health Report - Primary Health Care: Now More than Ever. WHO (2008)

Closing the gap in a generation. Health equity through action on the social determinants of health. Final Report of the Commission on Social Determinants of Health. WHO & Commission on Social Determinants of Health (2008)

Integrating Mental Health into Primary Care: A global perspective. WHO & WONCA (2008)

Methods and Measures used in Primary Care Patient Safety Research. WHO (2008)

Now more than ever: The contribution of nurses and midwives to primary health care - 'A Compendium of Primary Care Case Studies'. Nursing & Midwifery Resource for Health, WHO (2009)

Primary health care, including health system strengthening. 62nd World Health Assembly. WHO (2009)

World Health Report - Health Systems Financing: The Path to Universal Coverage. WHO (2010)

 Increasing Access to Health Workers in Remote and Rural Areas through Improved Retention. WHO (2010)

Package of Essential Non-communicable (PEN) Disease Interventions for Primary Health Care in Low-Resource Settings (Cancer, Heart Disease & Stroke, Diabetes, Chronic Respiratory Disease). WHO (2010)

Primary health care: The basis for health systems strengthening - Frequently asked questions. WHO Regional Office for South East Asia. (2010)

Regional Consultation on Strengthening the Role of Family/Community Physicians in Primary Health Care. Jakarta, Indonesia, October 19-21 2011. WHO Regional Office for South East Asia. (2011)

Safer Primary Care: A Global Challenge. Summary of Inaugural Meeting. The safer primary care working group. WHO (2012)

Prevention and Control of Non-communicable Diseases: Guidelines for primary health care in low-resource settings (Type II DM, Asthma, COPD). WHO (2012)

The Contribution of Family Medicine to Improving Health Systems: A guidebook from the World Organization of Family Doctors, Second Edition. WHO & WONCA (2013)

The Rising Importance of Family Medicine. Margaret Chan WHO Director-General Keynote address at the 2013 World Congress of the World Organization of Family Doctors, Prague. (2013)

• Universal Health Coverage and Patient Safety & Quality (2014)

• Global Working group on UHC and Quality of Care Position Statement (October2014)

Regional consultation on strengthening service provision through the family practice approach.
WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean. Cairo, Egypt 18–20 November (2014)

Building primary care in a changing Europe.
Kringos, D. Boerma, W. Hutchinson, A. Saltman, R. European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies. WHO (2015)

A healthier humanity: the WHO investment case for 2019-2023.

WHO Mental Health Atlas 2017

WHO Bulletins and Journals

Bulletin of the World Health Organization
Monthly journal with peer-reviewed papers. Focus on developing countries.

The African Health Monitor

Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal

Pan American Journal of Public Health
Monthly, peer-reviewed journal with focus on the Region of the Americas

WHO South-East Asia Journal of Public Health
Published by the WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia. Provides original scientific research for public health action.

Western Pacific Surveillance and Response
Published by the WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific. Dedicated to the surveillance of and response to public health events.


Note: The WHO has also produced guidance on Occupational Health, Palliative Care, Acute Care, Chronic Care and HIV Care specifically for Primary Care. In addition there are likely to be further publications by the WHO directly relevant to Primary Care which can be found on the WHO website.