Immediate Past President 2023 - 2025

Dr Anna Stavdal (Norway)

Dr Anna Stavdal is a family medicine specialist, working for the past 30 years in Oslo’s inner city. Since 1996, she has been an Associate Professor at Oslo University, teaching undergraduate students and training family medicine residents.

Anna has, for many years, been active in public debate: a columnist, a speaker and a passionate advocate for family medicine. She has held leading positions in family medicine organisations for 25 years - at the national Norwegian level, the Nordic and European levels and now at the global level, as WONCA President.

In WONCA Europe, Anna served as vice president 2010 -2016, and then president 2016-2018. During the last decade, she built a strong relationship between WONCA Europe and WHO Europe, and is still tasked with consultative work with WHO Europe.

She was elected WONCA president elect in 2018, and took office as WONCA President, at the Virtual WONCA World Conference in November 2021, after the Abu Dhabi 2020 was posponed. 

A main area of interest for her is how, as family doctors, we can adapt to current societal trends, such as digital health, without losing sight of the core values of our field.

WONCA Immediate Past President, Dr Anna Stavdal shared her vision when she was sworn in as president of the organization at the 2021 WONCA World Conference. 

Immediate Past President 2023 - 2025