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In May 2020 we produced a WONCA Webinar on Family Violence during COVID-19
View the
news item
In 2018, we intend to participate in the following :
o VdGM Forum, Porto
o 15th World Rural Health Conference, New Delhi
o WONCA Europe Region conference, Krakow
o WONCA World conference, Seoul
In 2017, our recent activities included:
o VgGM Family Violence Group: April 21-22, Strasbourg
o WONCA Rural Health Conference: April 29-2 May, Cairns
o WONCA Europe Conference: June 28-01 July, Prague
o AfriWon Renaissance: August 16-17, South Africa
o WONCA Asia Pacific Regional Conference: November 1-4, Pattaya
o WONCA South Asia Regional Conference: November 25-26, Kathmandu
o Europrev Working Group Mental Health and Family Violence & European family Justice Centres Association – International Networks Meeting: December 1-2, Brussels