Al-Razi young doctors movement annual report

This annual report on activities to August 31, 2015, is provided by the convenor, Dr Nagwa Nashat (seated second front left in photo), for the Al Razi young doctors' movement of the WONCA East Mediterranean Region
Among the EMR region
It started with three countries (Egypt, Iraq And Kuwait) and six members and reached seven countries (Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Palestine And UAE) with nearly 42 members.
The main group activities were:
• A monthly Skype meeting
• Member recruitment
• Al-Razi Bylaws developed and under revision and finalization
• A research about community acceptance to family physician treating mental illness is going on by Dr Mohamed Mosa by Dr Nagwa Nashat (pilot study has been done and validation of the questionnaire is done in the current time)
• Facilitate communication and present group themes through social media by creation of a facebook group and a twitter account @Alrazimovement
Egypt liaison activities:
Research methodology workshop:
It was conducted on 9/9/2014 by Egypt coordinator Marwa Mohaseb under the supervision of Al Razi convenor Nagwa Nashat and EFMA CEO Prof Taghreed Farahat. 25 young family physicians were recruited by addressing Menofiya health Director. An orientation about YDMs and Al Razi movement was presented, then an introduction to medical research lecture was made. After that they were divided into five small groups to work among family health care problems, how to prioritize and how to use research to solve it.

Celebration of the WONCA family doctor day:
It was done in collaboration with family medicine department and Egyptian family medicine association (EFMA) by orientation session to the community about the role of family medicine in community and their importance.
Collaboration With MSSA
Based on Dr Garth Manning’s input on collaboration with IFMSA, a contact had been made to Menofia students' scientific association (MSSA) which is part of the IFMSA to seek methods for collaboration through Mr Ibrahim Kandeel MSSA-Menofia president (2014-2015).
Two workshops were held with score research team of MSSA for:
Quality indictors' workshop:
On Sunday 9th of august 2015 a workshop for MSSA undergraduate students in collaboration with the family medicine department and Egyptian family medicine association (EFMA) for quality indicators in primary health care where they had an introduction to quality. The lecturer was Dr Mohamed Fouda ( a family practice quality specialist in the ministry of health and population). it was organized by Marwa Mohaseb and Nagwa Nashat
Research Workshop:
On Wednesday 26th of August a workshop for MSSA undergraduate students in collaboration with family medicine department and Egyptian family medicine association (EFMA) was held. It was about the basic medical research. A subsequent follow-up workshop will be held on Sunday 6th of September 2015
• Attending the YDM leads meeting
• Sharing in FM360 program
• Collaboration with other movements e.g:
-Polaris in Balint 0.2 and#1WordforFamilyMedicine (creation of images for Egypt , Jordan and Palestine - see below)
-Afriwon in a research paper.