European Journal of General Practice update

August, 2012

In Vienna, Dr Jelle Stoffers PhD, editor-in-chief of the European Journal of General Practice (EJGP), gave an update, in Vienna, to the WONCA Europe Council on the journal’s progress.

The first impact factor for the journal (2011) was announced as 1.130, which ranks it eighth among primary care journals – an excellent result for a journal that is quite new. Dr Stoffers also noted that the editor’s top ten articles are available for free access.

  •  Risk factors for vitamin D deficiency in women aged 20-50 years consulting in general practice: a cross-sectional study
  •  General Practitioners ’ report of continuous deep sedation until death for patients dying at home: a descriptive study from Belgium
  •  Migrant participation in Norwegian health care. A qualitative study using key informants.
  •  Disaster after the plaster. Fentanyl withdrawal symptoms in a curable hospice patient.
  •  A ‘minimal core curriculum’ for family medicine in undergraduate medical education: a European Delphi survey among EURACT representatives.
  •  Out of hours palliative care provided by GP cooperatives in the Netherlands: a focus group study.
  •  Acupuncture for insomnia? An overview of systematic reviews.
  •  Family physicians’ ability to detect a physical sign (hepatomegaly) from an unannounced standardised patient (incognito SP).
  •  How to deal with a crying patient? A study from a primary care setting in Croatia, using the ‘critical incident technique’.
  •  Asthma prescription patterns for children: can GPs do better?

The full presentation can be accessed at: