Legacy of WONCA Europe 2016 conference
The legacy of the WONCA Europe 2016 conference is a result of collaboration between the Host Organizing Committee, WONCA Europe Council and WONCA Europe Executive board.
The full document can be viewed
The document is summarised as:
European Family Doctors call for Joint Action with Heads and Hearts!
WONCA Europe represents more than 80,000 family doctors throughout our region, with more than 160,000 ears close to the to the ground, we are the ones, who together with our patients, can report on the real outcome of health care provision.
We must share that information, and address the paradox that although it is conventional knowledge that strong primary care is a prerequisite for sustainable health care, the majority of resources are allocated to specialised secondary and tertiary care. The explanation to this paradox, must be due to a lack of understanding of the nature of health care.
We can provide relevant stakeholders with the information needed.
So we call for action, we call on politicians and stakeholders: we call on our best allies, the patients, but first of all we call on ourselves.

I invite you to read the legacy, take the calling, go back to your community, find your allies, raise your voices.
With heads and from hearts, in the interests of a healthier Europe.
Thank you
Anna Stavdal
WONCA Europe President Elect