Message to New Zealand College

March, 2019

The following message was sent by our President , Donald Li, to the New Zealand College on Friday 15 March.

The President, CEO and all of the WONCA Executive extend our condolences to our Member Organisation on the massacre at the mosque in Christchurch. We realise that the horror of such an act, in a country which prides itself on its peacefulness and inclusivity, must be horribly shocking. We also realise that you, as family doctors, will be faced with the aftermath of the crisis, dealing with the consequences to families affected both directly and indirectly by the appalling act of terror. People no longer feel safe. That impacts on their ability to undertake normal, usual, tasks and makes people feel and act with caution where they previously would have lived, worked and worshipped in safety.

Our hearts go out to all of you.

Yours sincerely,

Dr Donald Li
World Organisation of Family Doctors (WONCA)

A reply has been received from New Zealand.

Kia Ora Donald

Thank you for your kind message and concern. Some of our family doctor team were at the forefront of the aftermath and will need a lot of support, as will all of those directly and indirectly affected. I will pass your message onto our members,
warm regards
Dr Samantha Murton
President, Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners