WHO Health for the World’s Adolescents Survey
WHO Headquarters Geneva, 29 July 2013
The World Health Organization (WHO) is currently developing a report, Health for the World’s Adolescents, that will outline recent research and the growing consensus on the importance of adolescent health; and the achievements of the health sector in improving and maintaining the health of the world’s 1.2 billion adolescents (10-19 years). The report will present WHO guidance across the organization; highlight the progress Member States have made in making their health sector more responsive to adolescents needs; strengthen and support global initiatives that have an impact on the health of adolescents; and provide a concrete follow-up to the World Health Assembly resolution 64.28 on Youth and Health Risks from 2011.
The report will be released in 2014.
In order to develop recommendations for the report, WHO recognizes that it is vital to incorporate the perspectives of health care providers. A survey has been created through which primary care providers can make input into the report.
Go to the survey.
The website and the survey will be open for inputs between 19 July 2013 and 15 September 2013. We would very much appreciate if you could help us spreading the link to this survey, and encouraging health care providers to contribute.
• Share the link on your organization’s home page
• Share the link through your organization’s social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc.)
• Share the link and spread information about it in events your organization are organizing or attending during the time period
• Inform health care providers and relevant organizations and networks about the survey
We look forward to hearing from you,
Valentina Baltag, MD, MSc, PhD
Technical Officer, Adolescent Health
Department of Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health
Cluster for Family, Women’s and Children’s Health
World Health Organization
[email protected]