WONCA Encourages Members to Take Action
Photo Credit: Inkdrop
Last updated: Thursday 14 April 2022
The scale of humanitarian crisis unfolding in Ukraine and the neighbouring countries is staggering. It becomes urgent to support humanitarian aid and provide assistance to vulnerable people and those taking care of them. We urge our members to take action and support key humanitarian relief organisations, including the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Medicines Sans Frontiers (MSF), and UNFPA. Due to the uncertainty of the situation, it is currently advisable to support such organisations, which have the experience and logistic infrastructure to deliver medicines and other material in a coordinated manner.
Inma Vazquez MSF, Médecins Sans Frontières:
“MSF has already deployed local teams in Ukraine. In addition to the need to coordinate, it is crucial to prioritise needs and concentrate on the essential (what is to be shipped first). Establishing several safe corridors through which to send goods is very important — it will be difficult to manage otherwise. They see three main priority axes: mental health, women’s and children’s health care and Covid-19 high prevalence.”
Read what
ICRC, and
UNFPA are doing in response to the humanitarian crisis.
Here is how you can help:
1) World Medical Association: The Ukraine Medical Help Fund
The World Medical Association (WMA) has set up a support structure to funnel medical help to Ukraine. To support this, WMA, the European Forum of Medical Associations (EFMA) and the Standing Committee of European Doctors (CPME) have set up the Ukraine Medical Help Fund. The account holder for donations is the WMA.
The funds will be redistributed to WMA’s partners in Poland, Slovakia and other bordering countries in order to help Ukrainian colleagues or the medical help for refugees from Ukraine.
The Fund is governed by the Taskforce Ukraine, which is composed of representatives of the medical associations (int/national) involved in the execution of the project, i.e. the WMA, EFMA, CPME, the Polish Chamber of Doctors and Dentists the Slovakian Medical Association and the Slovakian Medical Chamber. The Taskforce will recommend the use of funds to the Steering Committee consisting of the Secretary Generals of CPME, WMA and EFMA and is chaired by WMA Past President Prof. Dr Leonid Eidelman.
Donations can be made to the following account:
Domiciliation: ANNEMASSE ENTERPRISES (04335)
IBAN: FR76 30003 04335 00050005353 78
Account Owner:
13A Chemin du Levant
WMA, EFMA and CPME appeal to you to consider donating to the Ukraine Medical Help Fund to allow the medical community to coordinate and provide vital medical support to the humanitarian crisis. Please find
here the official letter of appeal for donations.
2) Ukrainian Red Cross
Ukrainian Red Cross has set up a call for donations. You can donate directly on this website:
3) International Committee of the Red Cross
The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) — together with its partners in the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement — remains active in Ukraine, saving and protecting the lives of victims. You can donate directly here:
Click here to see how the ICRC is responding to the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine.
4) Médecins Sans Frontières
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is one of international organisations active in Ukraine, delivering medical supplies in Kyiv, Mariupol, Kramatorsk and Pokrovsk, and sending emergency and specialist medical staff. MSF is supporting hospitals and doctors remotely, including by providing training on trauma care, and through telemedicine, while also working in neighbouring countries offering support for displaced people.
Click here to see how MSF is responding to the humanitarian crisis.
You can support their efforts with donations at:
Address: Rue de l’Arbre Bénit 46
IBAN: BE73 0000 0000 6060
Reference: Corporate support
Or by credit card
5) United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has stepped up operations and capacity in Ukraine and neighbouring countries. You can support UNHCR by donating
6) United Nations Population Fund
An estimated 80,000 women will give birth in the next three months in Ukraine – many of them without access to critical maternal health care. For some, childbirth will be a life-threatening rather than a life-changing experience. The United Nations Population (UNFPA) remains on the ground to deliver life-saving sexual and reproductive health services and supplies. You can support UNFPA by donating
Read more information on how UNFPA is responding to the humanitarian crisis
7) College of Family Physicians in Poland
The College of Family Physicians in Poland can facilitate donations of funds to to the potential receivers in Poland who organise direct help
(please contact the WONCA Secretariat for contact details).
8) Fundacja Lekarze Lekarzom – Foundation Doctors for Doctors
The charity is set up by the Polish Supreme Chamber of Physicians and Dentists; it coordinates deliveries of medical supplies. For information, please contact Dr Mariusz Janikowski, President of the Foundation, through
https://fll.org.pl/kontakt/ or at
[email protected]