WONCA website resources

WONCA resources page can be found here 

In need of holiday reading? Why not look at some of the resources on WONCA’s website? It includes

  • A-Z topic listing
  • Journals of interest
  • Databases (search the literature)
  • Evidence & guidelines
  • Downloadable Apps
  • WONCA Publications


These are an independent product of the Cochrane primary care group and are meant for educational use and not to guide clinical care. In the recent month the following have been added to our website.

421 Interventions effective for promoting informed consent
422 Limited benefit from telephone support for pregnant women
423 Alternating and combined antipyretics effective for febrile children
424 Little benefit from omega-3 fatty acids for intermittent claudication
425 No evidence for benefits of influenza vaccine in institutional healthcare workers
426 Prophylactic antibiotics effective for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
427 Venous thrombosis risk of combined pills varies
428 Computerised advice on drug dosage of some benefit
429 Interventions effective for endometriosis

The "Barbara Starfield Collection"

Professor Barbara Starfield championed the value and need of strong primary health care systems worldwide. This collection emphasizes the case for primary care and includes a number of Barbara Starfield's own articles as well as other key related material.

Featured WONCA Publications listed below  can be found here

Family Doctors in the Field 2014

Stories from environmental family doctors from across the globe. Launched in Lisbon in July 2014, the aim of the book is to profile ordinary family doctors around the world who are interested or involved in environmental issues.

Download in pdf format from the WONCA website.

Rural Medical Education Guidebook 2014

The project has been proudly supported by WONCA through the WONCA Working Party on Rural Practice, the Northern Ontario School of Medicine, Memorial University of Newfoundland (MUN), and the Rockefeller Foundation.
Consisting of 71 chapters written by 74 authors, it represents a unique collaboration, with contributions from every continent. It is intended to be a free resource for doctors, educators and others wanting to obtain practical ideas on implementing aspects of rural medical education and to learn from the experience of colleagues in different contexts.

Download in pdf format from the WONCA website.

The WONCA “Guidebook” 2013

The Contribution of Family Medicine to Improving Health Systems: A guidebook from the World Organization of Family Doctors, Second Edition
ISBN: 9781846195549
Editor: Michael Kidd

It provides practical, inspirational reading for healthcare managers, policy makers and shapers, and public health academics and professionals who will benefit greatly from implementing the flexible, local level options presented. The approaches described are consistent with each country’s specific health care needs, resources, and cultural expectations.

Available for purchase from Radcliffe Health