WP on Education report

Prof Val Wass, chair of the WONCA Working Party on education (WWPE) reports on the past year's activities: “Education is the most powerful weapon to change the world” Mandela

I am increasingly aware of the challenge of developing education championship within regions and of improving engagement within WWPE itself. I outline progress against our objectives 2018/9 but would appreciate discussion at the Executive of how strategically we can move effectively forward.

Resetting Objectives for 2019-2020:

2018: Expand the working group to include more countries and encourage engagement: Requests to join continue and we now have over 175 members. Many our younger members are keen for resources and for support for work in their own institutions. We update by email, but email response and interaction is poor.
2019-20: (i) Establish a web depository: David Keegan in Canada is setting up a web site where resources can be deposited. We plan a small group to comment on this initial platform. This would meet the needs of many of our members and hopefully support across all regions. Complete by December 2019.

2018: Engage WWPE members in delivering education workshops at WONCA events. A total 11 Workshops were held in Delhi (rural collaboration), Krakow and Seoul with other WWPE members where available.
2019-20: Establish an executive of influential regional champions for WONCA Education: Although in the past WWPE voted not to have a regional executive I feel now is the time to attempt this again.

2018: Work to collaborate with other WONCA networks and not function in a silo. This is progressing. Collaboration with EURACT at the Leuven conference and through publication in Education for Primary Care: I have also collaborated with the Working parties on Research and also Rural Practice and the SIG for migrant health.
2019-20: Continue to promote education collaboration on scholarship and publication through our affiliation with Education for Primary Care.

2018: Raise the status of FM and develop standards for undergraduate education. A working group is established and we continue to gather views through regional workshops. A major challenge is the diversity of current practice across the world and the importance of not imposing a Western model.
2019-20: Finalise and disseminate a WONCA document on principles and standards for undergraduate training in Family Medicine by October 2019

2018: Develop a vibrant WWPE group of students and trainees: We are now actively engaged with IFMSA and EMSA
2019-2020 Continue to work with IFMSA and EMSA to support and collaborate

2018 Expand resources on the website and keep postgraduate and CPD standards updated: The workshops held last year have highlighted the differences in postgraduate training and the diverse needs for CPD delivery globally.
2019-2020 Continue work to disseminate and develop postgraduate and CPD standards

WWPE workshops 2018

Rural WONCA Delhi:
1: Harnessing the medical school undergraduate curriculum to recruit and retain in rural practice: Val Wass with John Wynn Jones of the WONCA rural WP

2: Doing educational research in rural practice – (joint with rural WP)
Phil Wilson, Jon Dowell, Val Wass, Ewen McPhee

WONCA Europe Krakow:

1: Developing effective continuing professional development [CPD] for isolated Family Doctors (Joint workshop EURACT & EURIPA).Biserka Bergman Marković, Isabelle Cibois-Honnorat, Val Wass, Jo Buchanan

2: GP training scheme in Europe: ready to qualify as a Specialist? (With EURACT)
Scherpbier N, Maagaard R, Michels N, Wass V.

3: Inspiring the young to become family medicine doctors: A tool which triangulates passion, skill and need. Webster J, Wass V

4: WWPE: Developing the undergraduate (UG) curriculum to promote Family Medicine (FM) in medical schools; tackling the perceived lower status of FM: Val Wass

5: WWPE: Evidence for change to ensure family medicine (FM) assessments mirror, rather than detract, from self-directed learning. Val Wass

Seoul WONCA World

1: Professional Training & Development in Family Medicine/ General Practice
around the World - What Is New? Amanda Howe, Valerie Wass, Bastian Seidel, Victor Ng, Cindy Lam

2: WONCA WWPE Continuing Professional Development (CPD) standards: Meeting the needs of WONCA membership organization. Victor Ng Val Wass

3: It sounds so easy but is it? Training trainers for Mental Health Consultations. Christopher Dowrick (Mental Health WP, Val Wass (WWPE), Evelyn van Weel Baumgarten (EACH)

4: Clinical Performance Assessment for generalist physicians. Nobutaro Ban (Japan), Pak Hoonki (Korea), Val Wass (UK)

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