WONCA Africa - busy since Prague!
Dr Shabir Moosa reports on WONCA Africa's activities
The WONCA Africa website is up and running -
WoncaAfrica.org - with details on Africa and Wonca Africa. We have an active social media presence on Twitter (alerts), Facebook (light stuff) and Linked-In (serious stuff). Join us, there is lots happening!
• WONCA Africa President's visit to Ghana and outreach to many new African countries for membership
AfriWon teleconference 4th August with 14 participants from Nigeria, South Africa, Ghana, Uganda, Malawi & Kenya. Very inspired! See more here.
• We are busy with setting exchanges for Africa students/young family doctors - help us host them in Africa. Go here and sign up as a host and also help us raise funds for deserving students to participate.
• WONCA Women in Africa are also busy -
see here. There is lots of development work (research / training) going on and we hope to share more here.
Ghana 2015
The WONCA Africa Regional Conference in Ghana is planned for 18-20th February 2015 with the Afriwon Preconference on 18th and Primafamed Conference on African FM Education 15-17th February. Make your plans for an outstanding meeting in Ghana. It is 18 months away!! It is likely to be a key part of a research / policy development process with the WHO on Primary Care / Family Medicine in Africa. Watch out for announcements on other conferences in Africa on WoncaAfrica.org / Twitter.
• We are also building up resources for clinicians and patients. See here for some useful links.
• WONCA Africa Executive had a teleconference 14th August with 17 out of 24 people managing to participate! Nigeria-4, Ghana-1, Zimbabwe-2 , SA-3, Uganda-1, Lesotho-1, Sierra Leone-1, Cameroon-1, Botswana-1, The Gambia-1, Rwanda-1. Lots of enthusiasm and cameraderie.
• Africans are beginning to participate in various WONCA working parties etc. Join them directly.
WICC meeting
The WONCA International Classification Committee (WICC) will be having its Annual Meeting in Johannesburg 20-25th Sept 2013. There is a great seminar on "Managing information for primary care under NHI in SA" planned at Wits for 3-9pm Friday 20th September 2013. SFor more information contact us at [email protected]
There is some really useful clinical stuff for PHC at www.WoncaAfrica.org
Keep tabs on Twitter. See a few posts below.
• BMJ: An introduction to patient decision aids
• Essential Health Links
• Remember Barbara Starfield: primary care is the health system’s bedrock
• Essential Skills for mental health care' manual
• Wits Family Medicine Seminar: “Managing information for primary care under National Health Insurance in South Africa”
Please urge colleagues to join this list here.
Put "Afriwon" and/or "Wonca Africa Women" in notes if you are interested in their activities.
Dr Shabir Moosa
WONCA Africa
Link up with me here: www.drmoosa.co.za