Wonca EMR primary care research network launched in Dubai
The first Wonca Eastern Mediterranean region (EMR) conference was held, in Dubai, in December 2011. It was widely attended by participants from the around the world and across the region.
Based on initiative of Professor Nabil Y Kurashi, Wonca EMR President and Professor Faisal Al Nasir, President, Family & Community Medicine Council, Arab Board for Health Specialties, the launching of the Wonca EMR Primary Care Research Network took place, during the conference.

Prof Taghreed Farahat of Egypt will co-lead the new research group
Professor Taghreed Farahat from Egypt and Professor Waris Qidwai from Pakistan have been requested to lead this network. Initially, 41 conference participants have signed as members. A yahoo group has been initiated and family physicians from Wonca EMR region are requested to join.
The sole aim of this newly formed network is to promote primary care research in the region and to build capacity to achieve this objective. Two projects have been initiated, on Information and Communication Technology and Access to Patient-Care. The former is led by Prof Taghreed Farahat and later by Prof Waris Qidwai. It will be important part of the mission to increase collaboration between primary care research networks both within the region as well as globally.
Also in Dubai, Prof Waris Qidwai, chair of Wonca Working Party on Research delivered a key-note address on research strategies required to reduce disease burden from diabetes mellitus and hypertension in the developing world.
This region already has highly committed and rich well trained human resource in primary care research. It is expected that over the coming months and years, this network will become more active and will ensure that primary care research is at the forefront in the region.
For further information please contact :
Prof Waris Qidwai
[email protected]
Chair, Wonca Working Party on Research

Prof Waris Qidwai with Dr Tabinda Ashfaq and Dr Samina Hossein, from the Aga Khan University in Pakistan looking at looking at posters, in Dubai