YDM Newsletter: The Spice Route Movement - Dec 2022

The Spice Route Movement South Asia Region

1. Important Day Celebration
The Spice Route South Asia council has selected important days to be celebrated at South Asia level to increase awareness. In the second half of 2022, we celebrated World Hepatitis Day by Nepal, World Mental Health Day by Bhutan and World Diabetes Day by Pakistan.

2. Virtual FM 360 Exchange Program
FM 360 exchange program was done on 21st October between the Rajkumar movement and the Spice Route movement. Opening remark was introduction through a video by TRM and TSR. This was followed by video presentations from Malaysia and Thailand of the Rajkumar Movement and from India and Pakistan of the Spice Route Movement. It was an interactive session with Question and Answers session in the end by the participants

3. MRCGP Scholarship
The MRCGP (INT) has agreed to provide financial assistance to the young doctors of the region willing to attend WONCA Conference in Sydney, Australia provided their abstract gets accepted. The flyer has been circulated in various social media platforms for young doctors to apply

4. Spice Route Exchange Guidelines
Similar to the European exchange program, conducted within the European countries, it was decided by the SAR council start having inter country exchange programs within the 6 nations of Spice Route SAR. The FM 360 Exchange team led by Gobith has devised guidelines for the Exchange Program. The FM360 Exchange team led by Gobith is assigned to devise a guideline comprising the brief outline on the duration of exchange, amount of bursary etc.

5. Regular meetings
The Country leads of the Spice Route Council regularly meets virtually via Skype every second Sunday of the month to discuss and plan the future activities. Also, regular CPD activities for young doctors of their respective countries have been organized by Sri Lanka, India and Pakistan by the name of GPs’ Café, Spice Route Classroom and The Lounge, respectively.

Dr. Serin Kuriakose
The Spice Route: WONCA Young Doctors’ Movement, South Asia