WONCA Webinar Series on COVID-19

As the threat and spread of COVID-19 continues its path, and rapidly changing circumstances, we know already that we are facing unprecedented challenges for the foreseeable future. Our family doctors around the world have risen to the challenge of this global pandemic. So we need to share our experiences, make sense of what we can and look forward to a less frightening future. To enhance WONCA support to our Member Organizations, from region to region, and among professional health care teams, staying up to date with information through social media links and connections, is one of our key strategies.

First Series of webinars

WONCA launched a webinar series on COVID-19. The first webinar was held on 12 April and webinars held to date are:
- President, President elect and region presidents discussing the global situation.
- Mental health issues relating to the pandemic
- Adapting medical education during a pandemic
- Family violence issues in a pandemic
- Primary healthcare for universal health coverage
- Rural practice
- Quality & safety
- Research
Watch all past webinars on the WONCA YouTube channel and on Youku. 

Second Series of webinars

The second series of weekly webinars on COVID-19 are now completed but availble to review on the on the WONCA YouTube channel  or scroll back on the WONCA Facebook page: www.facebook.com/woncaworld

20 September - SIG on Health Equity
27 September - WP on Women and Family Medi
04 October - WP on eHealth
11 October - SIG on Ageing and Health
18 October - SIG on complexities in Health
25 October - WP on Mental Health
01 November - SIG on Cancer and Palliative Care
08 November - SIG on Adolescent and Young Adult Care
15 November - WP on the Environment