Education for Primary Care

Education for Primary Care aims to reflect the best experience, expertise and innovative ideas in the development of undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing primary care education. The journal is UK based but welcomes contributions from all over the world.

Readers will benefit from the broader perspectives on educational activities provided through the contributions of all health professionals, including general practitioners, nurses, midwives, health visitors, community nurses and managers. This sharing of experiences has the potential for enhancing healthcare delivery and for promoting interprofessional working.

We aim to publish:

  • high-quality academic articles
  • practical ideas based on relevant experiences 
  • news and opinions on developments 
  • posters of pertinent research.

Education for Primary Care is the official journal of the UK Association of Programme Directors (UKAPD), the National Association of Primary Care Educators UK and the World Organisation of Family Doctors (WONCA).

Editor : Professor Val Wass

ISSN 1473-9879
E-ISSN 1475-990X
Publisher: Radcliffe Publishing Ltd. This journal is hosted online by IngentaConnect.