Mental Health in Family Medicine

Mental Health in Family Medicine (formerly Primary Care Mental Health) will promote ‘best mental health practice’ within family medicine. Its philosophy will be consistent with the global ideals of Wonca: to promote inclusivity, partnership and collaboration, choice and recovery within the framework of diversity and the uniqueness of the patient.  

Mental Health in Family Medicine provides essential reading for family practitioners, nurses, social workers, psychiatrists, psychotherapists, psychologists, occupational therapists, researchers, teachers, healthcare managers, medical and healthcare libraries.

Mental Health in Family Medicine is the official journal of the World Organization of Family Doctors (Wonca) Working Party on Mental Health.

Editor in Chief : Dr Gabriel Ivbijaro

ISSN: 1756-834X 
E-ISSN: 1756-8358
Publisher: Radcliffe Publishing Ltd.This journal is hosted online by IngentaConnect.