Adolescent and Young Adult Care webinar and report
The WONCA Special Interest Group (SIG) on Adolescent and Young Adult Care will hold a webinar in the WONCA COVID-19 webinar series on November 8th, at 1500 UTC. (0900 CST)
Registration page for attendees:
About the SIG on Adolescent and Young Adult Care (2020 Annual report)
The SIG on Adolescent and Young Adult Care is still in its infancy.
Our goal for this year was modest, we wanted a presence at the WONCA World and WONCA European meetings to network and recruit members to our group. A workshop, by co-convenor Pierre-Paul Tellier (Canada. pictured top right), was submitted and accepted for both conferences. However, both conferences have now been postponed.

Our other co-convenor, Maria Veronica Svetaz (pictured below right) had a workshop accepted at Abu Dhabi, ab
out how to create Inclusive Programs for teens and their parents, but this has been postponed.
Pierre-Paul Tellier, in conjunction with the Family Medicine Education Research group and the Section of Adolescent Medicine at McGill University, completed a systematic review, which is yet to be published, on the continuing education needs of family physicians. We identified three main themes which included,
a) needs in communication skills,
b) knowledge related to common acute problems, chronic health issues and guidelines, and
c) awareness of systems issues such as transition of care.
Based on this information, we will endeavour to present workshops at WONCA conferences on these issues and to develop a resource bank for the WONCA website to address these needs.
The SIG assisted members of the new Eastern Mediterranean Region to write an internal WONCA grant application to advance the health of teens in this part of Asia. Our co-convenors presented about the SIG at the International Association for Adolescent Health meeting held during the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine 2019 annual conference. Pierre-Paul also spoke about the SIG during the First Conjoint Conference of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health and Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine held in September 2019 in Ascot, UK.
Work/Collaboration with WHO.
Maria Veronica Svetaz contacted Dr David Anthony Ross, PhD, MSc, MA, BMBCh, from WHO, with the suggestion of joining resources with the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine (SAHM) to do Webinars on adolescent and young adult health, but the connection did not produce fruitful outcomes, as of now. In person networking was expected to occur during the Society of Adolescent Health and Medicine 2020 conference, in San Diego but it was canceled due to COVID-19.
Goals for the upcoming year
Pierre-Paul will be presenting at the European WONCA conference.
Network and recruit members at the conferences we will be attending, the Family Medicine Forum in Winnipeg in November, the International Association for Adolescent Health also in November and the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine in Baltimore in March 2021 where Pierre-Paul Tellier will retroactively be receiving the 2020 Outstanding Achievement in Adolescent Medicine award.
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