Abstracts close soon for WONCA rural conference in Brazil in April

April 2-6, 2014


A letter from Dr John Wynn-Jones, Chair WONCA Working Party on Rural Practice

Dear colleagues

The deadline for Abstracts and Early Bird registration for 12th WONCA World Rural Health Conference is approaching fast (www.woncarural2014.com.br). We need you to register and send those abstracts in by 30th November.

You will remember that we had to bring the date forward because of the damage to our original venue in Gramado. Leonardo Vieira Targa (chair of the Host Organizing Committee - pictured) and his colleagues are doing a great job despite the shortened time-scale but we need you to register and send in the abstracts sooner than we had originally intended.

The programme is beginning to unfold and looks exciting. Some of the topics include:

• Small rural hospitals
• Telemedicine
• Patient safety
• Melbourne Manifesto/Cebu Principles on international recruitment of health care professionals
• Rural proofing for health
• Cultural competence
• Domestic violence
• The Uruguay Conclusions (From next month's Ibero-Americana Rural Health Forum)
• Defining and describing rural practice
• Rural Medical Education (cradle to the retirement) and the launch of the WONCA Working Party on Rural Practice's Guidebook on Rural Medical Education

This is just a start and there is more to come. I intend to start some discussions around these themes and Leonardo is looking for papers and speakers on these topics (contact Leonardo on [email protected] )

Remember that this is the first World WONCA Conference to be held in South America and we need you all to come and support our newest WONCA members.
More to come

Dr John Wynn-Jones
Chair WONCA Working Party on Rural Practice
[email protected]