Activities of the WONCA Working Party on the Environment
Prague presence
The next WONCA World Conference will be in Prague June 2013, and there are a number of WONCA working party on the environment activities planned. We will hold our working party meeting on the morning of June 25 .
We have been pre-approved for two workshops: one on climate change and health which Grant Blashki and I will lead; the second will be a more general discussion on environmental health and the family doctor, what are we doing; what should we be doing?
If you have something you would like to contribute, please contact Alan Abelsohn, chair of the committee.
We are proposing an eBook: Family doctors in the field: stories from environmental family doctors from across the globe.
The idea is to get all of you, and anyone else you know who is active in environmental issues in any way, to contribute a short (1-2 page) "story" about yourself. Grant Blashki and I are preparing a formal proposal of the book project to WONCA executive. The idea is to strengthen the WONCA Working Party on the Environment, and support individual docs in the field. If you are interested in contributing, please let us know.
Climate and Health petition: please consider signing
There is an active health lobby at the Doha round of the UNFCCC climate change talks. Please consider signing this petition of support via the websites below:
Alan Abelsohn
Working Party Chair
[email protected]