Al Razi young doctors' workshop 2017
Photo: from left to right: Marwa Mohasseb, Suha Yacoub, Prof Amanda Howe, Mohammad Mahmoud, Nagwa Nashat, and Suzi Ismael
On the sidelines of the WONCA EMR conference that took place on 2nd-4th of March 2017 in Abu-Dhabi, UAE, the Al Razi Young Doctors’ Movement had the honor to present, on the second day, a workshop titled “Social Media and Physicians: A good pair but guidelines for use needed”.
That was done with the support of the Wonca EMR executive board. It was presented by our young family doctors from different countries of the region, led by Nagwa nashat (Egypt).
Active members were Mohammad Mahmoud (Jordan), Suha yacoub (Palestine), Marwa Mohasseb (Egypt), Suzi Ismael (UAE). Nearly 20 participants had attended. The participants were subdivided into three groups for brainstorming sessions about types of social media, pros and cons, and how to apply in family practice.

Presenting YDM #some activities was done through presenting #onewordfamilymedcine and #balint0.2 projects. Moreover a tweet chat with the following hashtag (#some_emr) was released. The tweet chat had started one hour later with the attendance of Ana Barata (YDM representative on WONCA World executive) and Kyle Hoedebecke (Polaris, North America region chair).
Prof Amanda Howe, WONCA President attended the workshop to support us.
Submitted by Mohammad Mahmoud & Nagwa Nashat