Announcement: Young Doctors’ Movement’s Global Fund

WONCA’s Young Doctors Movements (YDMs) are proud to announce the establishment of the Young Doctors’ Movements Global Fund - a platform to collect donations that are going to be used for different activities of Young Doctors’ Movements from all over the globe.
The number of trainees and young doctors participating and actively involving themselves in activities promoted by WONCA has greatly increased during the past few years. More young doctors are participating in WONCA conferences, and they are also engaging in activities related to WONCA’s YDMs, WONCA’s Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and WONCA’sWorking Parties. However, member participation is still not equal between WONCA regions.
Recognising the importance of nurturing and motivating the future generations of Family Doctors, all WONCA regions have been looking into possibilities to develop regional, structured and sustainable strategies for this support, but regional contexts differ, and this creates some limitations. The differences between regional YDM members’ engagement may be due to the fact that some YDMs are quite new; some countries only have small numbers of family doctors in their Member Organisations; or it may be due to difficulties for YDMs in making effective contact with their potential members within each region. Finally, new members often join at regional conferences, but there is inequity in how many young doctors can attend these meetings.
The establishment of the YDM Global Fund aims to address this issue, giving the possibility for WONCA’s YDMs to access a stable additional source for funding that may then be applied according to the requirements of a region.
Why organise an additional fund?
At the moment, some national and regional associations are providing financial support to young doctors from their country/region: but all such resources have limits, including usually being restricted to their own locality. Also some regions are wealthier than others. This again is one of the main reasons why we are currently facing this disparity between the number of participants from different countries/regions.
The fund will offer the possibility to further expand the participation of young doctors and to facilitate their access and involvement with WONCA’s activities – consequently, WONCA’s global network will grow and these young doctors will become WONCA’s ambassadors both at national and at regional levels. This will be a means to support the work that has been developed by young doctors within their regional YDM networks as well as at global level.
How does it work?
The YDM Global Fund is fully based on donations which are then distributed among the Regional Young Doctors’ Movements.
The purpose of this fund is to make YDM projects come to fruition and to further strengthen the national and international momentum the YDMs are building.
All donations are collected via paypal.
Donate here
Every small donation is welcome.
For any further questions please contact
[email protected]
Thank you!
Ana Nunes Barata
YDM representative on Executive