Apply for bursaries and join the WONCA Europe Conference 2023
The WONCA Europe Brussels HOC and European Young Family Doctors' Movement have joined forces to financially support young family physicians across the region and bring them closer to the international community of general practitioners.
There are two bursaries thresholds: 1000 € and 400 €. The final amount of the bursary given to the applicant will be decided by the Jury.
Successful applicants will be offered:
registration fee for the EYFDM Preconference Brussels 2023
registration fee for the WONCA Europe Conference Brussels 2023
the cost of train travel or other public transport to EYFDM Preconference and WONCA Europe Conference in Brussels. Flights will be reimbursed if the journey is not possible by public transport
the cost of accommodation during EYFDM Preconference and WONCA Europe Conference in Brussels
Deadline for application is 20th of March 2023.