Bangladesh Family Medicine Diploma examinations
The Bangladesh Institute of Family Medicine & Research [BIFMR] is an Institute of the University of Science & Technology Chittagong [USTC]. BIFMR has been an ‘Academic Member of WONCA’ from the beginning of that membership category. The Institute is running a one-year long ‘Family Medicine Diploma [FMD]’ course from 1 July to 30 June of the following year. Students from all over Bangladesh have joined the course and benefitted. In fact this is the only university to run a course in family medicine in Bangladesh. More than 200 lectures are arranged and delivered on Fridays only. Some key clinical examinations, patient handling techniques, instrument handling, etc. are also taught on Fridays.
Students are attached to family medicine teachers at their respective localities, where they keep records and submit a log-book as proof of their work. At the last part of the course, students attend compact hospital training programmes. A very competent full-time faculty of the family medicine discipline teaches the students. Teachers from other specialties are also invited to deliver lectures.
In the month of June, final evaluations are done in five categories. They are: 1] Written examinations in 2 papers, 2] Log-book consisting of 25 illustrative cases, 3] Objective structured practical examinations [OSPE] in 20 stations, 4] Clinical examinations of one long case and two short cases, and 5] Viva examination. Students have to pass all the sections separately. The University issues certificates and mark-sheets to all the successful students. They usually attend convocation and receive certificates from the Hon’ble President of Bangladesh, who is the Chancellor of the University.
Family Medicine Diploma examination 2015

The recent course started on 1 July 2014 andcontinued until 30 June 2015. Total 36 students were admitted into the course. From them, 30 students attended the examinations.
Photo - a student faces the examiners
The examinations of the ‘Family Medicine Diploma’ of June 2015weare held on 12, 13, 24 & 25 June 2015. Written Examinations of Paper-I and Paper-II were held on 12 June 2015 at BSU , Dhaka. Written questions consisted of short questions and problem oriented questions. All the clinical problems encountered by the family physicians were presented. In OSPE section x-rays, pathology reports, ECG, specimens, photographs, instruments, etc. were given. There were 20 stations for 20 exhibits. Students attended all the stations and answered the relevant questions. In clinical examinations, students were given two short cases and one long case. For each of the short cases 10 minutes was allotted. For a long case, 20 minutes was given for history taking, examinations and making diagnosis and 10 minutes for defending. Students faced one viva board where they were evaluated critically. They also defended their log-books here. Three teachers, including one external teacher assessed their depth of knowledge.
Mr M H Mohsin, CEO of the BIFMR has tabulated the results while Prof Firoz Ahmed helped him. The Controller of Examinations of the USTC is publishing the result. Of the 30 students who were enrolled as candidates and 26 students passed the examination successfully. All the successful students will be given a testimonial from the Institute. They will be issued certificates and mark sheets by the Controller of Examinations of the university. The students usually attend convocation for receiving certificates.
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Prof. Kanu Bala MBBS, PhD, FRCP
Chief Examiner
Director BIFMR
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Photo - Prof Bala at left discussing candiates with an external examiner