CFPC introduce new Executive
On November 16, 2012 the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC) held its Annual General Meeting during the College's Family Medicine Forum in Toronto. At that time, the CFPC confirmed its Executive Committee for 2012-2013. It is my pleasure to share this information with you and introduce the members of the new Executive Committee, including the College's new President, Dr Marie-Dominique Beaulieu from Montreal, Quebec.
2012‐2013 Executive Committee Members
President Dr Marie-Dominique Beaulieu, Montreal, QC
Past President Dr Sandy Buchman, Toronto, ON
President‐Elect/Chair of the Board Dr Kathy Lawrence, Regina, SK
Honorary Secretary‐Treasurer Dr Garey Mazowita, Vancouver, BC
Member‐at‐Large (1 year term) Dr Jennifer Hall, Rothesay, NB
Member‐at‐Large (3 year term) Dr Claudette Chase, Thunder Bay, ON
Executive Director & CEO Dr Calvin Gutkin, Mississauga, ON Executive Director & CEO
Dr Francine Lemire, Mississauga, ON (as of January 1, 2013)
President : Marie-Dominique Beaulieu MD, CCFP, FCFP – (Montreal, Quebec)

Dr Marie-Dominique Beaulieu completed her medical degree and Family Medicine Residency at Laval University. In 1978, she trained as a Research Fellow at McGill’s Kellogg Centre for Advanced Studies in Primary Care. She completed her Master’s degree in Epidemiology at Laval University in 1982.
Dr Beaulieu has practiced comprehensive family medicine for 34 years. She currently practices at the Clinique de médecine familiale Notre-Dame du Centre de santé et de services sociaux Jeanne-Mance, a family medicine group, and is Professor with the Department of Family Medicine at the University of Montréal.
With a special interest in primary care research, Dr Beaulieu is also affiliated with the Centre de recherche du Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal (CHUM). She is currently working on several research grant projects including The Support and Deployment of Nurse Practitioners in Quebec, and The Impact of Depression on Self-Care Capacity of Diabetic Individuals. Her research focuses on the implementation of primary care reform in Quebec and, specifically, on the development of family medicine groups and interventions to foster high-quality care. Since 2010, Dr Beaulieu has served with the Institut National d'excellence en santé et en services sociaux (INESSS) of Québec. She has also been involved in the development of clinical practice guidelines and policies at the national and provincial levels.
Dr Beaulieu became a member of the CFPC’s National Executive Committee in 2010 as Honorary Secretary-Treasurer. She currently participates as a member of the CFPC’s Finance and Audit Committee, the Governance Advisory Committee, and the Collaborative Action Committee on Intra-professionalism.
In 2005, Dr Beaulieu was acknowledged as the Family Physician of the Year for the Province of Quebec by the Collège québécois des médecins de famille, and received the national Reg L. Perkin Award from the CFPC.
More information
Brief biographies are available on the
CFPC website. If further information is required about the new CFPC Executive Committee, please contact
Jayne Johnston, Communications Manager