Contribute to stories from environmental family doctors
Open Invitation to WONCA members to contribute to a new book, “Family Doctors in the Field - stories from environmental family doctors from across the globe”
Grant Blashki, Alan Abelsohn, Margot Parkes and Karen Flegg are delighted to invite family doctors to contribute to our upcoming book, "
Family Doctors in the Field -Stories from environmental family doctors from across the globe", which is to be launched at the WONCA Europe conference in Lisbon, in July 2014.
The aim of the book is to profile ordinary family doctors around the world who are interested or involved in environmental issues. We are looking for contributions of between 500 and 1000 words and a good quality photo of the doctor at their clinic or at work on environmental issues. We are looking for contributions to be submitted before the end of the year.
If you might be interested why not drop an email to A/Prof Grant Blashki, Chair of the Environmental Working Party, and we will send you some more details and a guideline, email Grant at
[email protected]. Look forward to hearing from you.
A/ Prof Grant Blashki
Chair WONCA Working Party on the Environment