EGPRN conference May 7-10, 2015
European General Practice Research Network (EGPRN) spring conference
Venue: Timisoara, Romania
Dates: May 7-10, 2015
EGPRN welcomes posters, oral presentations and one-slide/five minutes’ presentations on the theme of the meeting, or on any other relevant research topic.
The theme of this meeting will be: “
Research into new Methods and Techniques in Primary Care”.
There are few researchers among general practitioners/family doctors (GPs/FPs), but all GPs/FPs use the knowledge gained from research papers in their daily practice.
Primary health care practitioners have, in effect, double quality when it comes to research.
First they apply the newest methods after careful assessing the patient and establishing a diagnosis. Second, they know best their community’s needs, the main research questions that arise, and the most important areas that need to be researched.
Private practice in Primary Health Care is an ideal platform for studying patients’ problems, researching community issues and therefore acknowledging health risks and influencing decision-making regarding community-related, ethical and social issues.
“Research into new methods and techniques in primary care“, the theme of the May 2015 EGPRN Conference, also includes the issue of responsibility towards the population under research.
On the occasion of the May 2015 EGPRN Conference we would like to establish dialogue and communication between clinicians and researchers from the West and the East of Europe, and from the North and the South of Europe regarding:
- New methods and techniques in diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of patients with acute or chronic disease (ultrasound, biomarkers, new lab tests)
- New methods to improve the adherence of patients in managing their chronic disease
- Ethical dilemmas in the introduction of new methods
- The challenges of personalized medicine in primary care
- The educational needs of a GP about new methods
- New methods in emergency medicine
Deadline for abstract submission: 15 January 2015 on the
EGPRN website:
Hanny Prick, EGPRN Executive Manager.
[email protected]