EGPRN launches international web-based course on PHC research

The European General Practice Research Network (EGPRN) officially launched the International Web-based Course on Research in Primary Health Care at the WONCA Europe Conference in Prague.
The course is suitable for European family doctors and other healthcare professionals who are interested in research.
The objectives of the course are:
1. To help participants to formulate ideas that can be tested in a scientific manner.
2. To give participants a basic understanding of epidemiological methods and biostatistics.
3. To give practical experience of development of study protocols and applications for research funding.
4. To give practical experience of use of computers for database manipulation, use of spread-sheets and statistical analysis.
Description of the Course
The course and website is in English.
• The course contains 25 modules of teaching and a practical final module where particpants present their own research.
• Each web-based module consists of a 15-25 minutes lecture, links to complementary materials in video and a short post module examination.
• There are three different options to present the research project: at an EGPRN conference; at a WONCA conference; in the participant’s own country via an agreement with the course leaders.
Certificate of participation
• A certificate of participation and graduation (CME credits may be possible) will be given by the EGPRN to participants who fulfil all web based modules and participate in the final practical exercise.
The course is particularly useful for those of any age who often attend WONCA conferences and could also be a useful refresher course for those who have attended this kind of course in the past.
For registration and more information
Ferdinando Petrazzuoli MD, MSc (Pictured)
Chair of the EGPRN Educational Committee. Department of Clinical Sciences in Malmö, Centre for Primary Health Care Research, Lund University, Malmö, Sweden.
SNAMID (National Society of Medical Education in General Practice). Caserta, Italy
Shlomo Vinker MD, MHA
EGPRN Educational Committee.
Professor and Vice Dean, Department of Family Medicine, Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel.
Chair, Israel Association of Family Physicians, Israel
Mehmet Ungan MD
EGPRN Chair.
Professor of Family Medicine. Ankara University School of Medicine, Department of Family Medicine. Ankara, Turkey
WONCA Europe President Elect