Education for Primary Care features Scottish article

Prof Val Wass OBE, Chair WONCA Working Party on Education and WONCA
World Honorary Treasurer, updates us on this month's free access
offering from
Education for Primary Care - our affiliated journal.
Education for Primary Care: 30:2 is now online: It is opened by some thoughts on our increasingly culturally complex world: and offers a range of papers from Australia, Denmark, Japan, Netherlands, and the UK. Undergraduate training in rural Scotland and Japan alongside postgraduate training across Europe are all covered.
We have chosen to offer Free Access for four weeks from April 19th to a paper from Scotland. Bartlett et al describe the Longitudinal Integrated clerkship in General Practice piloted for medical students in Scotland: Evidence is accruing that these attachments positively support student learning on holistic care and work well in the rural context . This model may well be a step to improve contact with Family Medicine in medical schools globally.
Maggie Bartlett, Jon Dowell, Fiona Graham, Kara Knight, Susan Law, Penny Lockwood, Fiona Muir, Jean Robson & Emma Watson (2019) Dundee’s Longitudinal Integrated Clerkship: drivers, implementation and early evaluation,
Education for Primary Care, 30:2, 72-79, DOI: 10.1080/14739879.2018.1564889