Education for Primary Care feature free access COVID-19 articles

Prof Val Wass, Chair WONCA Working Party on Education writes on the latest open access items in
Education for Primary Care.
The WONCA Working Party on Education is very aware of our members need for support to look forward to delivering medical education post Covid-19 and to share our learning in these challenging times . We are therefore delighted that Taylor and Francis are offering for a limited time free access to the following
Education for Primary Care articles which are attracting great interest:
Free access
Provision of e-learning programmes to replace undergraduate medical students’ clinical general practice attachments during COVID-19 stand-down. Roshvist R, Eggleton K, Good-Year Smith F.
Remote Supervision in Primary Care during the Covid-19 pandemic - the “new normal”? Miller L.
Identity in lockdown: supporting primary care professional identity development in the COVID-19 generation Cullum RJ, Shaughnessy A, , Mayat NY ,El Brown M.
Open access is available to a new and helpful article on supervising Family Medicine Trainees.
Adaptation and initial examination of the psychometric properties of the Short Supervisory Relationship Questionnaire (SSRQ) for use with general practice registrars. Costello S, Benson J, Burns J, Bentley M, Elliott T, Kippen R.