From the Editor: World Family Doctor Day
This year has seen a phenomenal expansion in the activities for World Family Doctor Day. Celebration of the day seems to have been taken up in more countries than in 2011, and as you will see in the report in this issue, the variety of activities is quite inspiring.
The button designed last year in the Philippines, by the nieces of WONCA leader Prof Zorayda ‘Dada’ Leopando has been used again this year, but by number of countries outside the Philippines (including the Iberoamericana region). Some banners from 2011 have been used again (Canada), and other countries have made new posters (Chinese Taipei). A number of countries have issued press releases and other statements to the media. Our young doctors have been busy making YouTube videos in Europe and also in Australia, where the video features renowned Prof John Murtagh in support of the I heart my GP campaign. There have been processions, cakes, meetings and seminars, public health initiatives, and in South America an anthem to family doctors has been composed and sung.
Thank you to all organisations who have submitted their proposed initiatives in advance. WONCA News is happy to receive more reports on World Family Doctor Day activities for future publication.
Young researchers
A novel feature of this newsletter is the submission of a number of articles relating to the work of some young researchers in family medicine. At the Asia Pacific region conference in Jeju, Korea, in May, a young researcher from Indonesia, Dr Mora Claramita, received the Lyn Clearihan award. In Europe, in July, the Vasco Da Gama Movement will present its junior researcher awards, and one of the winners is featured in this issue. In Norway, a young family doctor from Iceland, Hálfdán Pétursson, has produced a PhD thesis which presents some phenomenal findings relating to the use of cardiovascular guidelines.
WONCA awards
The President-elect, Prof Michael Kidd, is calling for nominations from member organizations for the WONCA awards which will be given out in Prague, in June 2013. Dr Miguel Román Rodríguez, of Spain, has won this year's regional award in Europe and not only is he personally profiled in this newsletter, he also provides a report from the IPCRG network group.
Local news
Many individual countries are featured in the World Family Doctor Day news but for this issue we have articles from the young doctors in Italy (the Giotto movement), as well as news of a new family medicine journal from India and meetings in Pakistan.
New format for WONCA News
This is the last issue of WONCA News in the current format. Readers can look forward to future news coming in electronic format with articles loaded onto the WONCA website. It is hoped that we will be able to e-mail members every month with the latest news items is added to the website. Readers are still encouraged to send the news and their photos for inclusion.
The new format of WONCA News accompanies a new format of the WONCA website which is planned for launch in July.
Dr Karen M Flegg
Wonca Editor
PO Box 6023
Griffith ACT 2603 Australia
Fax: +61 2 62 44 41 05
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