Montegut Scholarships -Africa and Iberoamericana regions

Dear colleagues in Africa region and Iberoamericana region

The time has come to seek applications from doctors from these two regions for Montegut scholarships, allowing one doctor from each region to attend regional conferences in August. The 2015 award for Africa was never claimed so this year there will be two awards for the Africa region and one for the Iberomericana region.

About the Montegut Global Scholars Program

The Montegut Global Scholars Program (MGSP) was established by the American Board of Family Medicine Foundation (ABFM-F) in 2010. The MGSP was established to foster international education, research and collaboration, in the specialty of family medicine. It will support the attendance of one family physician from each of the seven regions of the international organisation of family physicians (WONCA) to their regional meetings or to the international meeting in the year when it is held.

The MGSP will provide a $2,250 scholarship for one (1) family physician selected from each of the seven (7) WONCA regions to attend their respective regional WONCA meetings in 2017.

Full details of the Montegut awards, and how to apply, can be found on the WONCA website

Deadline for applications from Africa and IberoaAmericana is 15th April

Dr Garth Manning
Chief Executive Officer