Pacific Rim Indigenous doctors meet in Chinese Taipei
Dr Tane Taylor, chair of the WONCA Working Party on Indigenous and Minority Groups Health Issues reports on the recent conference of Pacific Rim Indigenous doctors. In the photo he is pictured (right) with Dr Pacidal on a site visit to the Fongbin Indigenous Branch Hospital in Chinese Taipei.
Tena koutou katoa (greetings to you all),
WONCA President Prof Michael Kidd sent a video address to PRIDoC 2014 (Pacific Rim Indigenous Doctors conference) held recently, in Hualien, Chinese Taipei. The address (link at the bottom of this page) was well received. Prof Kidd talked about the importance of the work that WONCA is doing in the indigenous and minority groups health issues .
Last year in Prague, WONCA approved the establishment of the
WONCA Working Party on Indigenous and Minority Groups Health Issues. Prof Kidd invited attendees to join him at the coming
WONCA Asia Pacific region conference, being held in March 2015 in Taipei.

At its Council meeting PRIDoC supported the work that WONCA is doing in regards to addressing indigenous health issues. Furthermore, the council acknowledged the Chinese Taipei Association of Family Physicians support for this event by posting it on their website.
Dr Tane Taylor, chair of WONCA Working Party on Indigenous & Minority Groups Health Issues thanked the council for their support. "I look forward to the WONCA Asia Pacific region conference 2015 being held in Taipei, where I am hopeful that the Chinese Taipei Association of Family Physicians will help facilitate and support the work in this important area" – said Dr Taylor.
Michael Kidd address to PRIDoC conference