Prague World Preconference for young family doctors


The Vasco da Gama Movement for new and young family doctors welcomes you to the World Preconference, which will be held in Prague on June 24–25, 2013, prior to the WONCA World Conference.

The event is organized jointly by the Vasco da Gama Movement, the Rajakumar Movement, the Waynakay Movement, the Spice Route and the First Five Years in Family Practice in Canada and is open to trainees and junior General Practitioners / Family Physicians (GPs/FPs), up to five years after their qualification. (For more on WONCA's Young Family Doctors' Movements)

The information in this page will help you to get an idea of what the Preconference entails. For registration please head to:

What is the aim of the World Preconference?

The Preconference participants have the great opportunity to receive an introduction to the idea of being a GP/FP in a World context and to exchange experiences and visions. Discussions with colleagues from all over the globe will widen your perspectives and horizons and will help you to "think globally and act locally".

What's the content of the Preconference?

The theme of this year's preconference is Care for Generations.

The Preconference participants will have the opportunity to:
a) meet trainees and juniors GPs/FPs from other WONCA regions;
b) become acquainted with several national profiles and be able to compare different primary care systems at various levels: health systems organization, status of GP/FM and vocational training programs;
c) discuss and elaborate visions for the future of GP/FM, considering:

  • The improvement of practice, quality, teaching and research of GP/FM in all countries.
  • The development of GP/FM to meet the needs of patients in the increasingly complex and diverse world, characterized by raising demands and afflicted by inequalities and an ageing population.
  • The working conditions corresponding to the needs of the upcoming generation of GPs/FPs.

d) understand the importance of international peer networks and be able to define aims for such networks on a national and international level.

The Preconference will conclude with two visionary speeches by Professor Richard Roberts (WONCA President) and Professor Michael Kidd (WONCA President Elect). A plenary session will follow with the presentation of all group works.

When Preconference will take place?

The Preconference starts on June 24, 2013 with registration at 9 am and will end on June 25. After the end participants will be invited to attend a joined speech with the WONCA Working Party on Women and Family Medicine.

The registration fee for the Preconference is $80.

Who are the preconference participants?

The preconference is open to every trainee or new GP/FP, up to 5 years after his/her qualification, who wishes to participate. However, there are 100 places available and registrations will be carried out in a first-come, first-served basis.

Where can I get further information?

Information is available online on and will be updated regularly. Please don't hesitate to contact us for any questions by e-mail: [email protected]