RFP : WONCA seeks Association Management Services


The World Organization of Family Doctors (WONCA) is an international non-for-profit association. Its members consist of member organizations and direct members.

WONCA will relocate its current Secretariat to Brussels in autumn 2020. With the relocation, some of the operations carried out by the Secretariat will be outsourced to an Association Management Company (AMC). The aim is to guarantee continuity of services, facilitate the work of the Secretariat, and enable growth of the association.

Objectives of the assignment

WONCA is seeking to contract a reputable and experienced AMC, which will work with the Secretariat, to perform the following operations:

1. Membership management:
• Maintaining an up-to-date database of members
• Maintaining up-to-date contact lists
• Processing and follow-up of applications and renewals
• Support in daily communications with members
• Collecting membership dues
• Reporting and recommendations
• Management of booth at conferences
• Attendance to the World Conference and Council meeting

2. Financial knowledge and management:
• Coordination of and communication with bank accounts (in Belgium and abroad)
• Preparation of payments
• Book-keeping
• Monthly accounting reports, comparison of actual expenditure to budget and reconciliation
• Management of budget, summary reports and annual statements
• Managing of taxation
• Preparation for auditing
• Close collaboration with Honorary Treasurer, Financial Committee and CEO
Attendance of a representative of the AMC to all in-person and some online meetings of the executive committee will also be requested.

Additional information for on-demand services

AMCs are invited to provide information for the following on-demand services, with the understanding that these are optional, are not part of the core services described in the section “Objectives of the Assignment”, and may not be needed at all:

1. Strategic planning:
• Fund-raising and identification of funding opportunities (e.g., grants) for the development of international projects in support of family medicine
• Elaboration, analysis and presentation of options for developing membership, building loyalty and strengthening links between association and members
• Identifying and planning of new revenue streams
• Identifying commercial partners and maintaining relationships
• Examine and review activities of comparable organisations

2. Technical support for communications:
• Branding
• Promotional material for campaigns, design for print and electronic documents, video editing
• Booth design


AMCs intending on submitting a proposal should also include:

• proof of competence of the company (e.g., formal documents, previous projects), with at least three examples of collaborations that are substantially similar to the requested services by WONCA
• the estimated manhours per month for the provision of services

All inquiries should be sent to [email protected]. Additional information can be provided upon signing of a non-disclosure agreement.

Proposals must be submitted by 17.00 CEST on Wednesday, 15 July 2020 to the following two addresses: [email protected] and [email protected].

WONCA anticipates selecting at least two AMCs to have more in-depth discussions with and will make the final choice by August 2020.

Kindly note that the lowest offer will not necessarily be accepted. The quality of bid, understanding of the task, and proof of competence of the company will also be factored in the final decision.

WONCA reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal and to annul the selection process and reject all proposals at any time prior to selection, without incurring any liability to the bidding AMCs.

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