SIG on Family Violence in Seoul

Photo: Preconference Meeting

WONCA SIG on Family Violence co-conveners Kelsey Hegarty and Hagit Hagit Dascal-Weichhendler report on activities of the group held recently at the WONCA world conference in Seoul.

A few weeks ago several members of the Special Interest Group (SIG) on Family Violence (FV) as well as both co-conveners met in Seoul at the WONCA World Conference. A productive preconference took place in which we discussed past activities and future plans, including a new initiative for defining core competencies for primary care physicians in the area of family violence (FV).

The WONCA World Conference 2018 included several presentations related to FV, and we were glad to see increasing participation from different countries and continents! Many presentations included ongoing or new collaborations - with Young Doctors, Working Parties, other SIGs and other organizations:

• "Family Violence: Working with the Whole Family" - workshop with the WONCA Working Party on Women in Family Medicine (WWPWFM), the WONCA Working Party on Rural Practice (WWPRP), and the WONCA Young Doctors’ Movement (YDM) exploring challenges in our work with families in which there is violence in different countries and settings.

• "Collaborating in Family Violence across Sectors - the Effects and Benefits" - workshop with young doctors and representation from the European Family Justice Center Alliance - where we discussed the situation and possibilities for increased collaboration between health and other sectors.

• Workshop with WONCA’s SIG on Emergency Medicine, (WWPRP), the WONCA Working Party on Safety and Quality and the YDM -"Increasing Family Physicians’ Capacity to Coach and Mentor Each Other… Who Benefits… Why" A model of mentorship and guidance on FV was presented as one of the examples.

Other presentations related to FV:

• Workshop- "Collaboration of General Physicians & Social Workers for Quality Primary Care".

• Workshop- "Violence against Women, Identify, Protect, Support for Quality Primary Care".

• Seminar- "Addressing Elder Abuse and Neglect in General Practice".

• Workshop of WWPWFM "Role of Fathers in Child Marriage"

• Poster: Family Violence Curricula in Europe (FAVICUE): a Cross-sectional Descriptive Study Protocol

• Poster: “Consented” Violation. Prejudices about the victims of rape behaviour before, during and after the aggression.