Two groups seek to become new WONCA Special Interest Groups in Prague – Indigenous Issues, Health Equity
At the WONCA World Council meeting in Prague, Special Interest Group status will be sought by at least two groups.
The first group, the WONCA Asia Pacific subcommittee on Indigenous and minority group health issues, is already a subcommittee in the Asia–Pacific region. The second group will seek interest in establishing WONCA Special Interest Group on health equity, at a workshop the proposers (including WONCA President–elect, Prof Michael Kidd) are conducting during the conference program on Friday June 28.
The WONCA Asia Pacific subcommittee on Indigenous and minority group health issues
The WONCA Asia Pacific (AP) region subcommittee on Indigenous and minority group health issues was established on June 3 2009, in Hong Kong, sanctioned by the WONCA Asia Pacific region council. The AP Council stipulated that this work should include not just those countries in the Asia Pacific region, but across the world.
Dr Tane A Taylor (New Zealand) was charged with leading this subcommittee. Currently the sub-committee includes Dr Peter Jansen (New Zealand), Assoc Prof Jan Redford (Australia), Prof Khaya Mfenyana (South Africa). The subcommittee’s first task is to develop a Draft Charter that will outline the intent and purpose for this subcommittee and then circulate for wider consultation.
Discrimination based on age, gender , race, sexual orientation or religious beliefs are uniformly condemned by our modern society. The subcommittee has shamelessly looked at and adopted work done by the WONCA Working Party on Women and Family Medicine (WWPWFM). We acknowledge and thank them for allowing us to incorporate their work.
For more on this group, their vision, objectives and activities please see their page on the WONCA website.
Health Equity Workshop in Prague
A workshop will be held during the Wonca Prague conference on Friday June 28, from 3.30-5.00pm “Addressing Health Equity: The Role of General Practitioners/ Primary Care Doctors”. As part of the workshop, it is proposed to seek interest in establishing a WONCA Special Interest Group on health equity.
The workshop organisers are Dr William CW Wong, The University of Hong Kong; Prof Michael Kidd, WONCA President-elect; Prof Iona Heath, WONCA Executive Member-at-large; Dr Karen Kinder, Executive Director of ACG International.
This workshop seeks to explore how a better understanding of health inequities presented in a population that can enable the general practitioners/ family doctors to adopt strategies that could improve health outcomes in the delivery of primary health care; it will explore the development of a health equity curriculum and open a discussion of the future and potential impact of health equity training among general practitioners.
There is an indissoluble link between health equity and social justice, and our success to make a difference for our patients relies on all frontline doctors and health professionals to advocate for greater socioeconomic equity and the health rewards that would follow. Your input is critical to the success of the workshop and the development of a plan for health equity curriculum.
Workshop RSVPs requested please [email protected]