Visit us in Copenhagen 15 - 18 June 2016

WONCA Europe Conference 2016

Dear family medicine colleagues,

Many GPs are already looking very much forward to the WONCA Europe Conference in June 2016 in Copenhagen. Several groups and individuals have expressed their positive interest in contributing to the themes and the issues addressed by the keynote speakers; high quality expertise within important aspects of future family medicine (

We have already received a promisingly high number of abstract submissions and we hope you are considering submitting your abstract to the congress. The deadline for abstract submission is 15 January 2016, so there is still time – But suddenly it is Christmas and then New Year.

Submit your abstract

Would you like to become part of our team of reviewers? Join the acknowledged reviewer panel and contribute with your valuable input the content we are going to present in Copenhagen in June 2016.
Use this link to sign up for the reviewer panel

For all Special Interest Groups, networks or other specific groups, please see WONCA Europe 2016 themes for contributing to the WONCA Europe 2016 in Copenhagen.

(If you have not already signed up directly for our WONCA Europe 2016 newsletter this can be done here)

Peter Vedsted                                                             Roar Maagaard
President of Scientific Committee                                President of Host Organising Committee

Contact the secretariat: [email protected]