WHO short survey on Universal Health Coverage
An important announcement: World Health Organization :
call for contributions! – short survey with a short deadline (15 February)!
As a joint project between the Patient, Family and Community Engagement initiative and the Universal Health Coverage and Quality Unit of the WHO Service Delivery and Safety department, we are conducting a short survey on people’s opinions and perspectives of what universal health coverage means to you.
Quality is fundamental to safe health care and sustainable UHC. Globally, countries have made a commitment to achieve UHC and the subject has been placed at the forefront of the global health agenda, as articulated in Goal 3 of the Sustainable Development Goals. While the original focus of UHC has been on financing systems, there is now an opportunity to improve population health outcomes and attain UHC though using quality driven, people-centred and integrated approaches.
Building on the successes of previous development goals and lessons learnt from recent global epidemics, there is a need for health systems to incorporate patient, family and community needs, values and preferences, to develop resilient and people-centred health systems.
Your contribution:
You can help WHO to better understand people’s needs and values about UHC. Your contribution, by completing this short survey of four questions, will offer new insights into how health systems can be more responsive, accessible and of high-quality in your context.
Please write a written response to each question in the online questionnaire. If you wish, you may also include a ‘selfie’ video for your answers.
The online questionnaire is available at: https://extranet.who.int/dataform/464697?lang=en
For video statements, please feel free to speak in your native language, accompanied with English translation in the text box provided. We encourage concise responses and written texts for all videos to ensure that we translate the message correctly.
If you would like your contribution to be a part of the global dialogue, and presented at the Prince Mahidol Award Conference 2016 (PMAC 2016), please ensure to contribute by Monday 25th January. Please either fill the form in online or send ALL contributions to Felicity at
[email protected] Video responses will be combined into a short film and presented at the PMAC 2016 conference, if submitted before 25th January. Videos should be sent to
[email protected]
Deadline for all other submissions will be February 15th 2016.
Any questions or queries, please email Felicity at
[email protected]
Hope to hear from you soon,
The WHO Patients For Patient Safety team