WONCA Awards 2016
WONCA awards are available to assist doctors in attending the world conference in Rio de Janeiro. The awards include the Montagut scholarships, the WONCA foundation award and the Taiwan Family Medicine research award.
details on all awards
Montegut Scholarships
The Montegut Global Scholars Program (MGSP) was established by the American Board of Family Medicine Foundation (ABFM-F) in 2010. It supports the attendance of one family physician from each of the seven regions of WONCA at their regional meetings or to the international meeting in the year when it is held. The MGSP will provide a USD3,250 scholarship for the selectee from each region to attend the WONCA world conference, in Rio, in 2016.
Further details, including an application form, are available on the WONCA
For WONCA Europe - the application deadline is February 1, 2016. Applications should be submitted directly to the WONCA Europe Secretariat, email:
[email protected]
For WONCA North America - the award is limited to members of the Caribbean College of Family Physicians. Further details can be obtained from the WONCA North America Region President at
[email protected].
For all other WONCA regions- the application deadline is February 29, 2016. All applications should be submitted to the WONCA World Secretariat, email:
[email protected]
WONCA Foundation Award
This award, made possible by a donation from the UK’s Royal College of GPs, enables physicians to travel to appropriate countries to instruct in general practice/family medicine or for physicians from developing countries to spend time in areas where they can develop special skills and knowledge on GP/FM. The value of the award is currently £1,500 (around $2,300).
Taiwan Family Medicine Research Award
This award, donated by the Taiwan Association of Family Medicine, offers a prize of USD 1,500 each to two young family physicians (not necessarily from Chinese Taipei) for the excellence of their research and affords them the opportunity to present their research at the WONCA World Conference.