WONCA EMR conference photos and presentations
WONCA East Mediterranean region met in Dubai from 30 April to 2 May. The conference organisers now have a wonderful selection of photos online as well as presentations available.

The very poignant final recommendations of the congress were read at the closing ceremony by Prof Abdul Munem Al-Dabbagh, from Iraq. (Pictured right)
1. To consider Family Medicine specialty the best investment in any health system reform in EMR member states.
2. Endorsement of family medicine specialty in every undergraduate medical training program.
3. To encourage each Ministry of Health in the EMR member states to have at least a sector for family medicine within the primary healthcare directorate.
4. We encourage every Member state of EMR to have a professional member organization of family medicine, which should be involved in the training programs, educational activities in collaborations with Ministries of
health and higher education.
5. Individual member organizations should help in strengthening AI Razi Movement of young Family Doctors of WONCA EMR by encouraging more young family doctors to join this movement
6. WONCA EMR is committed to continue active collaboration with the World Health Organization
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