WONCA Europe 2019- early bird registration & abstracts close soon
24th WONCA Europe Conference
Dates: June 26 - 29, 2019
Venue: Bratislava, Slovakia
Dear GP/FM colleagues,
We are delighted to invite you to the 24th WONCA Europe Conference that will be held in Bratislava, Slovakia on June 26 - 29, 2019.
Early bird registration deadline ending soon!
Only few days left to register for the Early Registration fee. Register online now for getting lower fee. Reduced ‘Early Bird’ registration rates
now end on January 6, 2019.
>Register now
Submit your abstract today!
Abstract Submission Deadline: January 10, 2019
The Scientific Committee invites and encourages all authors to submit their abstracts for consideration and inclusion in the Scientific Programme.
>Submit now
Meet the keynote speakers
Read all about the Conference Keynote Speakers. Pictured: Richard Hobbs, Ana Nunes Barata, Barbara Ukropcová, Bohumil Seifert.
Every week we release the name of one of Keynote Speakers.
>Read now
Programme at a glance
>Programme at a glance is available
Bratislava highlights
St Martin’s Cathedral
A three-nave Gothic church from the 15th century and the former coronation church. A gilded replica of the coronation crown fixed on the top of the cathedral tower at a height of 85 metres and weighing 150 kg reminds of this glorious age.
Conference secretariat
GUARANT International spol. s r.o.
Na Pankraci 17, 140 21 Prague 4, Czech Republic
Phone: +420 284 001 444
Fax: +420 284 001 448
[email protected]