WONCA Executive Meeting in May
WONCA Executive Meeting in May
WONCA Executive Meeting in May
The WONCA executive committee met face to face on May 6 and 7 for our first two-day meeting since taking office in Sydney last October. We were generously hosted by our South Asia Region president Dr. K. Sri Ranjan.

Photo: Executive and other VIP guests in the garden of Dr. Sri Ranjan.
It was a full two days with a mix of formal meeting items, strategic items, and workshops. The formal items included finances (led by Treasurer Steve Mowle), new member applications (led by Victor Ng, Membership Committee chair), and reports from all Region Presidents and our Young Doctors’ Movement chair Cheryl Chan. Bylaws and Governance Committee chair Karen Price did a presentation on governance issues and introduced consideration of our lengthy mission statement.
There were also some workshop sessions run by various team members: one on Organisational Equity led by Viviana Martinez-Bianchi (President Elect) and Jane Namatovu (chair of the Organisational Equity Committee); and a workshop on our WHO program and approach, including our attempts to strengthen regional interaction with WHO, run by Anna Stavdal and Maria Pilar Astier Peña, our WHO liaison persons.
Progress against the WONCA Strategic Plan was reviewed and an update on the process of the WONCA Accreditation program was agreed based on reports from our CEO, Harris Lygidakis. An update on the progress on the Core Values project, which has now had workshops in several regions, was provided by Anna Stavdal.
WONCA Executive re-endorsed our support of ICPC-3 as the approved classification system.

Photo: Executive meeting in Sri Lanka, May 2024.