WONCA Kyoto 2019 - important dates
September, 2018
In the previous issue of WONCA News, I made a first the first announcement of the WONCA Asia Pacific region conference coming in 2019 to Kyoto, Japan.
I would like to inform our international colleagues on important dates to remember.
Call for abstracts etc
- Call for Symposia and Workshops Deadline: November 30, 2018
- Call for Abstracts: October 1, 2018 - January 15, 2019
Registration dates
- Early Registration: October 1, 2018 - January 15, 2019
- Regular Registration: January 16, 2019 - March 11, 2019
- Late Registration: March 12, 2019 - April 15, 2019
Please keep your eye on our website for the up-to-date information:
conference website
I will also keep up-dating the information of the WONCA APR 2019 Kyoto
in most issues of WONCA News. Please mark your calendar and save the
date for the WONCA APR 2019 in Kyoto.

Kindly yours,

Prof Nobutaro Ban
Representing the Japan Primary Care Association
Chair, Organizing Committee, WONCA APR 2019 Japan
Professor and Director
Medical Education Center
Aichi Medical University School of Medicine