WONCA President joins the Congress of Delegates of the AAFP

WONCA was present at the Congress of Delegates of the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), represented by WONCA President, Dr Anna Stavdal and WONCA CEO, Harris Lygidakis.
In addition to the Congress of Delegates, WONCA President, Dr Anna Stavdal attended multiple sessions of the Family Medicine Experience 2022, Global Health roundtables, networking sessions and panels led by north American colleagues and members of WONCA, including Dr Jeff Markuns, Regional President of WONCA North America, Dr Viviana Martinez Bianchi, member of the WONCA Organizational Equity Committee, and Dr Kim Yu, media ambassador of the AAFP and Chair of the WONCA Special Interest Group on Health Equity.
The event represented an ideal opportunity to be reunited with fellow family doctors in the North American region, such as Dr Brady Bouchard, President of the College of Family Physicians of Canada; Dr Francine Lemire, former CEO of the College of Family Physicians of Canada; Dr Robert Phillips, Executive Director of the Center for Professionalism and Value in Health Care of the American Board of Family Medicine; July Wood, Senior Vice President for Research, Science and Health of the Public at the AAFP; Aurora García López, Vice President of the Mexican Federation of Family Medicine Specialists and Residents, and Dr Marina Almenas, past president of the Academy of Family Physicians in Puerto Rico, among other distinguished colleagues.
The American Academy of Family Physicians also held elections for its board of directors at its annual Congress of Delegates. We extend our warmest congratulations to Dr Tochi Iroku-Malize for the beginning of her term as the new AAFP President, and to all the newly elected board officers and members.
We look forward to a successful collaboration to continue strengthening global health through the bonds of cooperation that unite us as family doctors worldwide. We are family medicine!
New AAFP President, Dr Tochi Iroku-Malize, WONCA President, Dr Anna Stavdal, and WONCA CEO, Dr Harris Lygidakis.
Dr Anna Stavdal and Dr Sterling N. Ransone Jr, Board Chair of the AAFP.
WONCA President, Dr Anna Stavdal and AAFP board chair, Dr Ada D. Stewart.

Heather Palmer, MA, MBA, AAFP Executive Director and Secretary, July Wood, , Senior Vice President for Research, Science and Health of the Public at the AAFP and WONCA President Anna Stavdal.

WONCA President and WONCA CEO with Dr Brady Bouchard, President of the College of Family Physicians of Canada; Dr Francine Lemire, former CEO of the College of Family Physicians of Canada
With Dr Viviana Martinez Bianchi, member of the WONCA Organizational Equity Committee, and Dr Kim Yu, media ambassador of the AAFP and Chair of the WONCA Special Interest Group on Health Equity.
WONCA President Dr Anna Stavdal and Aurora García López, Vice President of the Mexican Federation of Family Medicine Specialists and Residents