WONCA Special Interest Group in Policy Advocacy Preconference Sydney 2023
Want to make changes? Here’s how to do it!!
We shall have an open meeting at the Conference Venue in Sydney at 11.30-1300 on 25th October, to which all SIG members and conference attendees are invited. We hope you will join us. The hosts are Prof Amanda Howe (Past President WONCA, and Co-Chair of the SIG, and Dr. Sankha Randenikumara (lead for the WONCA Young Doctors’ Movements, and incoming Co-Chair of the SIG.)
The purpose of the meeting is to test our plan for the next biennium, and to invite attendees both to help us understand your needs, and to learn more about how to be effective advocates as family doctors. We shall give people a chance to introduce themselves; give a brief background to the SIG and its work; present our proposals for the next 2 years; and then discuss and prioritise your interests. We shall also invite people to stay involved as members, and give you information on how to do this in ways you want.
Outputs will then be drawn together, with feedback after the conference, and a chance for the Wonca regions also to use our work for their own needs.
So come and join us! And if you want to know more, please contact us on the Membership Portal.
[email protected]