WONCA Special Interest Group on Health Equity's first year

Greetings & News

After a great first year of the WONCA Special Interest Group on Health Equity, we hope this will be another great year for our drive towards health equity! On this note, we will be scheduling our next quarterly meeting around the start of March. Members will be able to contribute and share ideas and opinions for our ongoing projects. For those who are interested, please join our group through the WONCA Groups tab or send an email to [email protected]

NAPCRG Meeting 2014

The North America Primary Care Group (NAPCRG) 2014 meeting held in NY hosted a breakfast table for the Health Disparities/Health Equity Special Interest Group. Attendees from North America, and internationally (Australia, the Netherlands, and Israel) discussed successful primary care initiatives achieving inequity reduction and mapped common areas of needed activity.

Amongst the primary areas that were identified are – progress towards the establishment of equity promotion medical curricula and the creation of a repository for successful primary care interventions that have managed to achieve inequity reduction in various populations and health conditions. The discussion also resulted in identification of a need for a North American representative at the WONCA SIG on Health Equity to promote the health equity agenda within NAPCRG and to collaborate with the other regional representatives. Those interested in joining the SIG and potentially serving as regional NA reps are encourage to contact: [email protected]

For more information about our group, upcoming related events, or some health equity related food for thought, check out our full newsletter.

 view our latest newsletter
William Wong - convenor